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Do You Know?

The number of homeless, hungry men, women and children in our community and surrounding areas continues to increase. Hunger is a cause of poor health, low levels of energy, and reduction in mental functioning. Adults who suffer from hunger live shorter, less healthy, and less happy lives. They are more likely to be obese, more prone to mental illness, and more susceptible to deadly diseases.  Hunger is terrible for adults, but it is so much worse for children. Hunger and malnourishment go hand -in-hand, and children who do not receive proper nutrition during their critical years of growth will be dramatically disadvantaged for the remainder of their lives. Nearly 50 million  Americans struggle with food insecurity and 1 in 5 children will go to bed hungry tonight. Hunger can lead to even greater poverty by reducing people's ability to work and learn, thus leading to even greater hunger. The people who suffer chronic hunger do not have the option of eating when they are hungry. They have a primary need of how to feed themselves and their children today and tomorrow. Low-income households are particularly vulnerable to fluctuations in the cost of food. For those with budgets already stretched to their limits, higher food costs mean they struggle to afford enough food for themselves and  their families. The homeless do not have the  nutrition and the means to purchase or prepare a nutritious meal, which leads to the problem of malnutrition. The Compassion & Hope Food Basket seeks to address these problems by providing a hot nutritious meal five days a week to the homeless, handicapped, disadvantaged and struggling working families in the West Alabama area.
Compassion & Hope Food Basket is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and contributions are tax deductible. We are asking you to join the fight, along with volunteers and the community who give their time and resources to help us feed the hungry.  Please consider financially supporting this wonderful ministry. For more information contact Pastor John Skinner at 205-876-6931.

Compassion & Hope Food Basket will offer the following food security service:
  *Provide a Hot Balanced Nutritious Meal 5 Days a week.  We prepare a meal daily for about 100 people in need of food.

  *Hours of Operation: Food preparation begins at 8:30am daily.  From 11am to 1pm, Compassion & Hope Food Basket will open its doors to those in need. 

  *Weekend Meal Service: We work in partnership with 52 churches and community volunteers. 

Poverty by Age and Gender for Bibb County:  

  *16.8% of the population in Bibb County, AL
  *20,767 people live below the poverty line.  This is higher than the national average of 14.7%.
  *Once again the largest demographic in poverty is Females 35-44, followed by Females 25-34 and then Females 5-24.

The Census Bureau uses a set of money income thresholds that vary by family composition to determine who classifies as impoverished. If a family's total income is below the poverty line then that family and every individual in it is considered living in poverty.


Compassion & Hope 
Food Basket


​​Call us:


​Find us: 

1728 Main Street  Brent, AL 35034
PO Box 310 Brent, AL 35034

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