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Many Ways to SUPPORT US


Compassion & Hope Food Basket is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and contributions are tax deductible. We are asking you to join the fight, along with volunteers and the community who give their time and resources to help us feed the hungry. Please consider financially supporting this wonderful ministry.

* Volunteer 
* Donate Food, Paper Products, 
* Monetary Donation
* Prayer


Support us through National Christian Foundation

Compassion and Hope Food Basket is a non-profit organization that is committed to feeding the hungry.  Although they formed this non-profit in 2012; Pastor John Skinner has been actively feeding the hungry and homeless for 21 years. His goal is to provide a comfortable building to serve a warm nurtritious meal.  Feeding those who in need is one of Compassion and Hope Food Basket’s primary missions. They would love to offer a warm environment to serve meals to the homeless and economically disadvantaged.  Please support this ministry with whatever funding support you can. 


These gifts transform the lives of those in need, and it benefits you as well. When  you give a gift of property, you enjoy tax benefits and you avoid capital gains tax. 
*Outright gift.
*Gift in your will or living trust.
*Retained life estate.
*Deferred charitable gift annuity
*Bargain sale
*Charitable remainder unitrust
*Charitable lead trust
*Memorial or endowed gift.
*Donor advised fund.
*Charitable remainder trusts 
*Donor Advised Funds
*Charitable Gift Annuities 

Compassion & Hope 
Food Basket


​​Call us:


​Find us: 

1728 Main Street  Brent, AL 35034
PO Box 310 Brent, AL 35034

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